Author Archive

Communication Strategy

Direct Marketing Dictionary on April 23rd, 2010 No Comments

Defining and managing the best ways to communicate and share your messages to your customers casino deposit and prospects at all stages of their purchasing life cycle

4 Colour Process

Direct Marketing Dictionary on April 23rd, 2010 No Comments

Artwork reproduced in different percentages of 4 base colours, CYMK, playing pokies online (Cyan,Yellow, Magenta, Black) to give a full colour effect

Did you know?

Percentage of Europeans online compared with rest of world

news and views on February 24th, 2010 No Comments

Of the 800 million resident Europeans 52% use the Internet, compared with only 22% of the Rest of the World (Source: Internet World Stats)

Did you know?

European country with the most people online

news and views on February 24th, 2010 No Comments

The top country in Europe for penetration of population using the internet is Iceland where 93.2% of the population use the internet (Source: Internet World Stats)

Did you know?

Percentage of Japanese speakers who use the web

news and views on February 24th, 2010 No Comments

Of the estimated 127 million Japanese speakers in the world over 75% of them use the internet (Source: Internet World Stats)

Did you know?

The top three languages used by Internet users

news and views on February 24th, 2010 No Comments

The top three languages used by Internet users worldwide are English (27%); Chinese (22%) and Spanish (8%)

our top ten tips for

Getting the best out of your database

news and views on January 11th, 2010 No Comments

One of the most common questions we are asked is, now we have a database, how do we use it? Here are our top ten tips for getting the best out of your database… Be clear on what you want to achieve – don”t just develop a database because everyone else has one! Be clear […]